Organizing for a Healthier You!

You can start organizing for better health anytime!

Below you will find some practical tips to kickstart your healthy organizing evolution.

Feel free to choose which one to work on first.

And always feel free to reach out to us for help with motivation or creating and implementing a plan.

Declutter Your Space:

Decluttering your spaces helps you to decide on your goals and values for the upcoming months. Clearing out unnecessary items and organizing your closets and pantries can give you a clearer vision on the important tasks ahead. Removing the food that does not support you on your goals is important to success. Removing clothing that is in the way, helps you to decide what your weight loss or physical goals are. Ridding yourself of unrealistic expectations (that piece of clothing you have been hanging onto since highschool because you will fit in it someday), helps to put you in the correct frame of mind to appreciate the body you have now.

Decluttered spaces that home your necessary items create a serene environment that promotes relaxation and stress reduction. Using non-toxic cleaning sprays that smell good (like Mrs. Meyers) can add a wonderful aroma to your spaces. A clutter-free space can have a profound impact on your mental well-being, productivity and motivation. Here is one of our favorite Adjustable shelving units from Amazon.

Reach out to us if you need help to create a plan or make these changes come to fruition.

Organize Your Pantry:

  • A well-organized pantry sets the stage for healthier eating habits. Take stock of your pantry items, discard expired products or products that do not support the healthier lifestyle you wish to achieve. Discard or donate non-expired items. Arrange your shelves to make the most nutritious choices more accessible. Clear plastic storage bins with handles are one of our favorite new organizing supplies, click here.

    Having a tidy pantry makes meal preparation more efficient and encourages mindful eating. It also helps with meal shopping. Making good choices about what "food" is allowed in the house can promote weight loss.

Create a Meal Planning System:

  • Organize your meals for the week by creating a meal planning system. This not only saves time but also ensures you make healthier food choices. Plan your meals, create a shopping list, and prep ingredients in advance to avoid last-minute unhealthy decisions. Encourage yourself to keep walking/scrolling past the unhealthy choices and congratulate yourself when you do. Plan healthy meals that taste good and maybe experiment with new spices.

Establish a Fitness Routine:

  • Organize your schedule to incorporate regular exercise. Whether it's a morning jog, yoga, or home workouts, etc. having a dedicated time for physical activity promotes better health. Use a planner or a fitness app to schedule your workouts and stay accountable. Hang visual reminders to prompt you to stretch and do simple daily exercises to support your healthy life. Contact a friend or use an app with an accountability partner to help you stay on tract.

Set Up a Hydration Station:

  • Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health. Organize a hydration station in your home or office by keeping a reusable water bottle easily accessible. If purchased water bottles work better for you, buy from a clean, ethical company. Add lemon, lime or other nutritious items to your water if you wish to encourage yourself to properly hydrate. Watch caffeine and sugar intake, even sugar substitutes can be bad.

  • Set daily hydration goals to ensure you're getting the right amount of water for your well-being. Try one of these motivational reusable water bottles.

Streamline Your Sleep Routine:

  • Create a calming bedtime routine by organizing your sleep environment. Remove electronic devices when you are winding down for the night. Invest in comfortable bedding, and establish a consistent sleep schedule. You may add a fragrance or noise machine to help you get to sleep or stay asleep. Meditations may be able to help you get to sleep or stay asleep. There are many out there to try. Use a sleep tracker to make sure you are getting enough and the proper amount of the various sleep cycles.

  • Quality sleep is fundamental to physical and mental health as well as helping you heal and lose or maintain weight and muscle.

Organize Your Mind with Mindfulness:

  • Dedicate time each day to mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Try focusing on a calming breath if you feel overwhelmed. Try and add gratitude every day. Start a gratitude journal or write yourself notes about what is going right. Try and focus on the positive and make plans to change what you can about the negative. Sometimes we cannot change the things that happen to us but we can change the attitude we have about our circumstances.

  • Using our calendars and to-do lists to accomplish tasks and change our situations can help with our outlook on life and work. Clearing mental clutter and organizing your thoughts can contribute to reduced stress and improved overall mental health.

Digital Detox:

  • Organize your digital life by decluttering your devices. Delete unnecessary apps, organize your files, and consider a digital detox to reduce screen time. Don’t feel bad about not adopting an app that you purchased. Everyone thinks and accomplishes things in a different way. That particular app might just not be for you. If your calendar or to-do apps are not working, it’s time to reassess. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your choices. There are so many different digital solutions out there!

  • A well-organized digital space can contribute to improved focus and reduced stress. Taking the time to do a digital detox might be just what you need.

Prioritize Self-Care:

  • Schedule regular self-care activities in your calendar. Whether it's a spa day, a nature walk, or simply taking time for hobbies you enjoy, organizing moments for self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Even adding music you enjoy to an activity is a form of selfcare (and motivation). If you need to schedule a physical or bloodwork to check all your vitamin and mineral levels, do that! If you are feeling fatigued, stressed or unmotivated, this is a good place to start.

    Selfcare can look different for everyone. We all have different learning styles. Some of us need to unplug, like taking a bath, shower or meditating. Some of us may need to go for a walk or ride your all terrain vehicle through the woods.

  • If a self care practice looks intriguing and is safe, try it.

Track Your Progress:

  • Organize a system to track your health and wellness progress. Whether it's a journal, a fitness app, or a habit-tracking tool, monitoring your achievements can motivate you to stay on the path to a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to use a body double or accountability partner to help you stay on track and stay motivated on your goals. Meeting with a fitness class or scheduling a weekly call with a friend might just be what you need. Using a Certified Professional Organizer to help you break down and acheive your goals can be extremely helpful.

Remember, the journey to a healthier you begins with small, intentional steps.

By organizing various aspects of your life, you set the foundation for positive changes that contribute to your overall well-being. Here's to a healthier, more organized New Year!

#HealthyNewYear   #OrganizeForWellness   #YouCanOrganizeYourLife

#Wellness #Healthylifestyle #Nutrition #Exercise #Mindfulness #Balanceddiet #Fitnessgoals #Mentalhealth #Stressmanagement

#Holisticwell-being #Self-care #Healthyhabits #Hydration #Sleephygiene #Positivemindset #Goalsetting #Resilience #Sustainablehealth #Mind-bodyconnection #Weightmanagement #Relaxationtechniques #Personalgrowth #Self-improvement #Emotionalwell-being #Gratitude #Self-love #Healthresolutions #Habitsforsuccess #Energyboosters #Detoxification #Timemanagement #Holistichealing #Fitnessroutine #OrganizeYourLifeLLC  #SherriPapich 

Remember, We are here to make your organizing dreams a reality! 

Just reach out Here!

Sherri Papich - Certified Professional Organizer, CEO Organize Your Life LLC


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